Political Book Summaries, Reviews and Opinions

Political Book Summaries, Reviews and Opinions

Category Archives: Other

Can we lynch them?

Okay, normally I like to have really well thought out reasons for things. Take a look at my 20+ pages on the Citizens United Decision. Today, I just want to go with a knee-jerk reaction. The Wall Street banks were playing games with everyone’s money and are now, today, still playing games with other people’s money, our money. Taxpayers money. We are giving them zero-percent interest loans for the sake of jump starting the economy. But these assholes make money by stealing. Read more of this post

Dems are scared third graders.

“I guess if you needed one example of what’s wrong with this town, it might be that one senator can hold up 70 qualified individuals to make government work better because he didn’t get his earmarks,” Gibbs said. “If that’s not the poster child for how this town needs to change the way it works, I fear there won’t be a greater example of silliness throughout the entire year of 2010.” Read more of this post

Obama’s got game?

“What I’d like to do is have a meeting whereby I am sitting with the Republicans, sitting with the Democrats, sitting with health care experts and let’s just go through these bills,” Mr. Obama said. “Their ideas, our ideas. Let’s walk through them in a methodical way, so that the American people can see and compare what makes the most sense. And then I think that we have got to move forward on a vote. We have got to move forward on a vote.”

This is cool, kinda. Read the whole thing, then come back. (Remember to come back!!!)

Back? Good.

The gist of it is, I think, Read more of this post

THe Executive Order granting Interpol Immunity

– – – – – – –

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words “except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act” and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.


December 16, 2009.

Call your senators!

I was browsing through WordPress blogs and found this one: Call Ben Nelson now it’s a commercial pleading people to call Ben Nelson to complain about the healthcare bill.

Well, Ben Nelson ain’t my Senator. He doesn’t represent me, so I chose not to call him. I did however call my state Senators, Bob Menendez and Frank Lautenberg. They are both Democrats. I was amused to find both of their answering machines full. Oh well. I wouldn’t have changed their minds anyway. 😛

Global Warming from the Right

This is from a site I read called “From the Right

It’s a very neat look at global tempertures over the past 10’s of thousands of years. The only thing is, this is a good solid Conservative argument against Global Warming hysteria, but is it too good? It requires belief in a world 10’s of thousands of years old. In which case the bible is fiction, in which case Athiests win. Can the Right successfully push a valid scientific argument, if that same argument chases away the Religious core? I for one hope so. 🙂

Additonally, a few days ago the site had quite the discussion on Athiests. Link. They came to the conclussion that Atheism is a religion. The conclusion is of course completely wrong and foolish, but hey, go read it for yourself, it was amusing.  


Leaving the Right

I don’t know what I am politically, Fiscal Conservative for sure, but I’m not afraid of government the way Glenn Beck is. I agree with liberals who think he and his ilk are crazy. Below is a quote from a former-conservative blogger explaining really well why I can’t be with the Republicans.

I cannot support a movement that holds that purely religious doctrine should govern civil political decisions and that uses the sacredness of religious faith for the pursuit of worldly power.

I cannot support a movement that is deeply homophobic, cynically deploys fear of homosexuals to win votes, and gives off such a racist vibe that its share of the minority vote remains pitiful.

I cannot support a movement which has no real respect for the institutions of government and is prepared to use any tactic and any means to fight political warfare rather than conduct a political conversation.


His blog

Here’s hoping we non-crazy libertarians/conservatives get a political party to vote for.

I’ll add a few myself. 

I can’t be a member of a party that cry “small Government!” when protecting the interests of Big Money, while crying “Morality” while empowering Big Government to control the private lives of regular people.

I can’t be a member of a party that embraces fear as a debate tactic

I can’t be a member of a party that aknowledges that “death parties” aren’t real, but readily uses the lie to argue policy.

I can’t be a member of a party that thinks Sarah Palin is capable of being President.

Massive Blog Re-make

As some of you may have noticed I’ve been chaging the theme and layout of my blog a lot in the past two days. I’m trying to achieve something I can be happy with for a while. I think I’ve settled on something pretty close to what I want. I’d really appreciate it if any of my readers could give non-content, purely layout-centered comments.

My blog has two basic kinds of content “Book Summaries and Reviews”, and “Opinion/Current news”.

The left sidebar navigates Summaries and Reviews with some text HTML for navigation, advertisement/explanation of the content, plus an RSS feed of those Book Reviews.

The right side has the opinion stuff. The top is category (most of which are opinion posts) followed by 1 RSS feed with content of 3 most recent opinion posts, Then there are three more RSS feeds without content (just titles of posts) for three subcategories. Below that is the simple “top posts” widget. I chose not to use a recent posts widget cuz I figured most would already be present through the RSS feeds. Then at the bottom I put the recent comments widget.

The one problem that occured to me is that I’ve selected more than 1 category for some posts and that makes some posts show up more than once. Is that a problem? In the future I could make a “Featured Content” category and that could be the top Widget.

Overall, I want the blog to have a definite “news-magazine” feel to it with as many links to internal content as possible, so where ever you are and whatever post you’re reading, even if you’re down towards the bottom of the post, if you look left or right, you see a neat *something* to click on. Is it too messy? Too plain? Cramped? Thanks in advance!

Mocking the Tea Baggers

To be clear, on most fiscal matters I’m a conservative. I want low taxes and less government. I’m to the right of lots of republicans for wanting the FairTax or some variation. I think the current Healthcare bill is full of horrible fiscal policy decisions. Which is why I hate the Tea Baggers, Deathers, Birthers, and Palin fans.

How can us reasonable conservatives get anything done with Tea Baggers running around with tea bags stuck to their hats and acting like morons? Below is a video of Sarah Palin fans trying to express where she stands on policy issues. But it’s not their fault, Sarah Palin doesn’t know where she stands on her policy issues either. She has this term for it, “common sense conservatism.” Commonsense is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t exist. Her brand of Conservatism is a logical fallacy without logic or base or standing. Tea Baggers, Deathers, Birthers, Pink Slippers, and her fans are all embracing nice ideas such as “low taxes” without knowing what that actually means or why. They shout down intellectuals without realizing the whole idea of low taxes leading to increased revenue (the laffer curve) was created by an intellectual. A Conservative intellectual. A Conservative elite. I want to stand with the elites of the conservative movement, but they’re too busy fighting the crazies or joining them out of fear to get anything done.

So because today is thanksgiving, I’ll amuse myself with mocking them.

TeaBaggers protesting Obama.

People rallying for Obama.

Which group do you think better represents America? Does the first group even count as opposition? They are the incredibly vocal minority of the opposition that has somehow hijacked the majority.

How to get more traffic?

I figure this is the most sought after answer on the internet, how do I get more readers?

Well, I’m just getting started with blogging, and I’ve been doing my homework. Here’s what I’m doing and not doing.

I’ve joined up with Digg and technorati and Blog Catalog and Condron.us. I’m looking at blogexplosion.com, but I think that counts as advertising, a no-no for WordPress. I’ve gotten quite a few hits from condron.us, but I think they’re mostly dead-enders, they surf my blog for 6 seconds. What’s that good for? Blogexplosion is about the same thing, but they give you rewards for mindlessly surfing. So I don’t think I’ll miss not using them. I also got a lot of hits from alphainventions, but I didn’t join them. I think they’re another blog surfing company. i should look into them a bit better.

I’ve been trying to use “white hat” SEO, and the result so far has been decent rankings in google searches for what I write, and I’ve been getting 50+ hits from google a week. So, uh, yay. I don’t think I have any links to me yet from other blogs, need to work on that. But I don’t want to do any link trading. 

Oh well, back to the regular posting. 🙂

Unemployment hits 9.5% and I need a fax.

So yesterday wasn’t do productive. I tried to buy my hosting service. I’ve decided on blue host/hostmonster. Sadly, my name is similar (in some way they wouldn’t explain) to some other guy that had done fraud. So now I have to fax them a copy of my photo ID and credit card to prove I’m legit. But I have niether the ID nor fax. So, new to-do items: Get ID and Fax copies.

I made the first B-Note. Yay! And did another chapter summary. Yay! I’m leaving them on my computer until I can move them to their new home.

On the topic of politics, I saw that unemployment hit 9.5% today. Holy f. Mind you, I think we were all expecting it, but it’s still a kick to the gut. It’s easy to blame Bush. But this snowball has too many names in it to just point at him.

Clinton was involved in the deregulations, so was Obamas’ Staff. Bush helped feed the monster. And then Obama *said* he would follow Keynesian economics, but failed to. Of that 787 Billion stimulous bill, only 40% was stimulous. The rest was pork to buy bills. How sad it is we have to bribe our own Senators to save us.

And of that 40%, the vast majority was scheduled for long term stuff. Only like 10% was put to creating jobs. Politicians, enabled by the ineptitude of the Media, managed to do the worst job possible.

But don’t give undue credit to Republicans. Thier protests were against the *policy* of Keynes and the *person* of Obama. Because their arguments were all nonsense, they failed to get any traction outside thier own political base. Being right is nice, but the argument that gets you there is 100% of the battle. And only a good argument can stand as a base for moving forward. Being right for the wrong reasons still makes you wrong.

My first blog post!

Hello world! 

So this is my first post. Eventually, this blog will be about politics. In specific, political books and the Media. I’ll post summaries and reviews of books I read and political shows I watch.  I’ll have some opinion pieces here as well. It’ll be attached to a webpage (which I’m making right now.) I’ll also have a forum and wiki set up for fact checking purposes. I intend to post regularly, 5 times a day at least. Though that’s an average, as I work 4 days a week and 50 hours a week and may only post once or twice on days I work. 

But that’s eventually.

Right now I’m just going to blog about my efforts to get my blog and home page all set up. I’m trying to pick one host. I’ve tried Weebly.com, webs.com, tripod.com, google.com, bluehost, godaddy, bravenet.com, and free-domainname.com

So far, Bravenet had the best online editing program. Free shout out to them, they’re awesome. But I think I’ve settled on free-domainname, they’ve got a lot of really awesome programs, including a forum I like and a wiki program. They’ve both got good prices.

I’ve already claimed my domainname at godaddy. Politicalbooks.us Yay!!! (there’s nothing there yet.)

Oh well, there we have it. I hope to have everything set up the way  I like it within two weeks or three. I’m busy like every hour. 😦 

If the multitude of people who read this (read 2) care to come back, every few days I’ll be adding pages and stuff. Maybe in a week I’ll be asking people to help me look for layout mistakes. 

For my first piece of content I’ll post this Youtube video. It’s MJ in the background and Iran demonstrators in the foreground. The point being that after days of the American Media actually paying attention to something as incredibly important as the protests in Iran, MJ died and they had a collective Orgy over the possible ratings and gave Iran the cruel “don’t call us, we’ll call you”. 

Let MTV, VH1, entertainment tonight, and the tabloids care about an oft-accused child molesting singer from the 80’s who’s died. Let CNN, FoxNews and MSNBC focus on some of the wars both hot and cold we are facing across this world.