Political Book Summaries, Reviews and Opinions

Political Book Summaries, Reviews and Opinions

US Soldiers die in Pakistan

(AP/Huffington Post) — SHAHI KOTO, Pakistan — A roadside bomb killed three U.S. soldiers and partly destroyed a girls’ school in northwest Pakistan on Wednesday in an attack that drew attention to a little-publicized American military training mission in the al-Qaida and Taliban heartland.

They were the first known U.S. military fatalities in Pakistan’s lawless tribal regions near the Afghan border and a major victory for militants who have been hit hard by a surge of U.S. missile strikes and a major Pakistani army offensive.


When are we going to start treating this conflict in Pakistan as a real war


*angry face*

*points at America at War Category*

*points at Pakistan*

I’ve been treating it like a war for a while thank you very much. But if Obama sends in 20,000 troops for 20 billion more a month I’ll be even angrier.

Hearts and prayers for their families.

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